Tom and Angela got to tour the missile defense agency next to the Pentagon (which required 2 different security badges to get into) and helped come up with the creative for the film along with ColdWater Media, meeting with The Heritage Foundation in Washington D.C. Angela produced the film, Tom did much of the filming.
Nuclear proliferation around the world, and the threat of a ballistic missile attack of some kind is mounting as more and more countries obtain nuclear technology. The ongoing threat toward America is also accelerating due to the fact that there are many rogue nations and terrorist organizations who either have or are seeking ballistic missiles and nuclear technology.
The challenges of protecting America and its citizens for President Obama’s administration are great. Featuring rare footage and in-depth interviews with leading experts in the field, 33 Minutes is the definitive documentary exposing the untold vulnerability we all face and the action plan necessary to revive a strategic missile defense system that America uniquely can develop, maintain, and employ for its own defense and the peace-loving world’s security.